Aspect Ratio and cropping

You’re ready to print your images – Yay! One of the most common questions I receive is about cropping. Clients want images cropped during the editing phase, but then want more room (which I usually can’t create) for the printing phase.  This post will go over a couple things to help you make important decisions about which sizes to print.

A wise person once told me “get it right in the camera”. While photographing your family, I’m actually thinking about how this image will look on a canvas.PINNot because I expect everyone to print on canvas, but rather this – out of all the printing options, canvases measure 1 1/2″ in depth and take up the most amount of your image when cropping for print. For this reason, I often photograph wide. Then when you order larger prints with a smaller aspect ratio, you don’t lose the top of a head, arm or leg etc. Therefor, your gallery includes mostly uncropped images (3:2 ratio) with a little bit of negative/blank space.

In summary, follow this rule:

If you don’t want to lose any of your image, I recommend selecting a size in the (3:2) column. If you want to crop in tighter, you can look at the (7:5) or (5:4) or (1:1) column for size options.



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