“This year; I wish for you to leave nothing unsaid. I yearn for you to turn your pain into hope. I choose for you to turn your love into progress. And I aspire for you to turn your life into everything you ever wanted.” – Unknown

“Hi, I’m Jen and I’m seeing a therapist.” I just heard that – that concerned sigh in your voice. Like you just learned a deep dirty secret of mine that only people in my closest circle should know. I’m writing about this personal topic because I want to change the negative stigma around seeing a therapist. Society at large has embraced the healthy lifestyle, but it’s almost entirely physical. If someone seeks out a personal trainer or a nutritionist, do we see them as week or flawed? Of course not – it’s something to be proud of! I think we should view people who seek mental health support with the same amount of enthusiasm.

When I made the decision to see a therapist for the first time, I walked into her office surrounded with embarrassment, shame and even guilt. I literally snuck into the building 007 style hoping nobody would see me. 3-months later, and I’m ready to shout from the rooftops about the life-changing benefits.  I think everyone should know how rewarding and empowering it has been to be vulnerable and transparent. If you’re thinking therapy is only for people who need help, I’m here to tell you some of my most beneficial therapy sessions came from times I thought I needed it the least. As my therapist explained, “You shouldn’t wait until you have diarrhea to build an shithouse.” Many people use therapy as a solution for a crisis, but it’s helpful to see a professional for regular, everyday issues too. Research shows that talking to a therapist can positively rewire the brain over time. Experts also say the practice can be transformative even if you don’t have a mental health condition: Therapists can help you work through acute life stressors, help you cope with major life changes or just offer solutions for a calmer state of mind.

I couldn’t have been more wrong about seeking help. Actually, the only lingering embarrassment is that I should have gone sooner. Therapy is literally giving your brain a workout. I’d like to encourage anyone thinking about New Year’s Resolutions today, to add therapy to your essential self-care routine.

Happy New Year!




  • Tiffany - Just love this and how open you are letting others know the struggle is real and is nothing to be ashamed of! Thanks for sharing! Love you girl!ReplyCancel

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